Category Archives: Living Well

Perspectives on Physical Therapy (guest article)

Physical therapy is a special branch of medicine which deals primarily with people who have impairments, disabilities and injuries which inhibit or alter normal movement of day to day activities. Such activities may or may not cause pain or discomfort. The science of physical therapy may be used to promote peak functionality, ability, quality of life and movement through examination, diagnosis, evaluation and physical intervention by licensed physical therapists.

Physical therapy deals with a wide array of diseases and conditions including but not limited to, neurological problems, geriatric problems and obstetric problems. We are able to help these patients improve their way of life even alleviate them of their conditions.

In the Philippines where physical therapy is not well known, are lot of people are not diagnosed and treated.

Being a third world country,  many people have no access no adequate medical services and therefore, could not be diagnosed and treated properly. Considerably, many Filipinos think that the only treatment they need is”hilot” or getting the traditional massage from “barrio healers“, which in consequence,  gives only a therapeutic effect and even masks the real problem.

As this is just an introductory article, I shall look forward in sharing you my health perspectives emanating from my profession.

This is Jaggy blogging for Dabawenyong Lumad under the column, “Broken Bones


Filed under Broken Bones, Living Well

On Natural Cures

Deadly Cycle Unleashed

There’s a book about personal health that has come to my attention lately. It’s a book published in 2004 by US consumer advocate Kevin Trudeau. His work is entitled, “Natural Cures They Don’t Want You To Know About”. The book is about Mr. Trudeau’s expose about the lies promoted by US food and pharmaceutical companies in America. It’s about what the people in the United States and the World in general, eat and drink, and that which eventually kills them. I find this book a whole lot interesting especially at this time where many types of diseases and malignant viruses are spreading all over the world today.

In his opinion, Trudeau says that medical science has failed 100% in curing and preventing disease and illness. He cites statistics thus;

–         More people get colds and flus than ever before

–         More people get cancer than ever before

–         More people have diabetes than ever before

–         More people have heart disease than ever before more people have multiple sclerosis, migraines, joint neck and back pain than 

           ever before

–         More people have acid reflux, ulcers and stomach problems than ever before

–         More women have menopause problems than ever before

–         More kids have attention deficit disorder than ever before

–         More people have insomnia and chronic fatigue than ever before

–         More people have bad skin, acne and dandruff than ever before

–         More people suffer from depression, stress and anxiety than ever before

–         More people suffer from sexual dysfunction and infertility than ever before

–         More people suffer from allergies, arthritis, constipation, cold sores etc…

He says that with all these that are happening, medical science has become a failure. This is evidenced by the fact that more people are getting medical treatment, taking more drugs, having diagnostic testing and having surgeries than ever before in medical history. Even Fortune magazine has said that America is losing the war against cancer.

The author’s contention on writing this expose in anchored on the truth that there are all natural cures for all types of diseases and that these same cures are being suppressed and hidden from the people by the pharmaceutical industry, Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission. This web of food and drug conspiracy is so deeply entrenched that one could already suppose that the relationship is “financially symbiotic”. Even the trade commissions and medical societies exist not to protect the consumer or client, but simply represent themselves, their groups and their companies’ interest. Their motivation: money and power. Their virtual grasp on America’s policy on food, drugs and health is total. It’s like a big conspiracy.

According to Trudeau, America’s national health policies is hostaged by these companies and deeply influence any legislation concerning what US consumers should buy. Simply put, these food and drug companies dictate what America puts in her mouth. He says in his book that these major drug companies do not want people to get well. Considerably, if everyone in the world was healthy, the drug companies would be out of business. Obviously, what they want is just to peddle more drugs.

He elaborates thus the cycle of selling drugs:

    “The drug industry gives billions of dollars to medical schools. Why?

      So that their drugs can be put in textbooks and doctors are taught to prescribe

     Certain pharmaceutical drugs, thus guaranteeing sales of those drugs by the  

     Pharmaceutical company. In medical schools, doctors are taught two things:

     To prescribe drugs and to cut out part of a person’s anatomy, which is


Furthermore, Trudeau says the same doctors are paid by these pharmaceutical companies to prescribe certain drugs. Trudeau mentions these as “incentives”. These professional motivations can take the form of “international conferences”, seminars, trainings and various other “sales presentations” that virtually encourage doctors to prescribe the same drugs to their clients.

Patent of Greed

 He similarly states that once a drug has been approved and patented, that pharmaceutical company becomes the only company that can sell that drug. The patent of the drug already costs an automatic billion dollars in the bank! So this is the reason why a pharmaceutical company would never sell or promote a natural cure, since natural cures cannot be patented. Profits therefore can only be made from a patented drug. Here the profits are surely guaranteed!

Sickly living

Trudeau says that people get sick the following reasons:

 1.     Your body is out of balance.

2.     Your immune system is weak.

3.     Toxins are getting into the body.

 He goes on to explain that toxins are poisons, of which ingested in large doses could kill or damage the body’s immune or nervous system. Here, according to him, the most toxic thing that one can put in one’s body and the number one cause of illness and disease are prescription and non-prescription drugs! In fact, he says that drugs can only suppress symptoms; they do not treat the cause. If they got you on one drug, then you’ll be hooked for another, sooner or later. This is because the same drug will cause another symptom in your body.

 Another thing that we put in our bodies through our mouths are processed food. He says that each time that we eat food that has been produced by a food manufacturer, we are actually ingesting 100% highly toxic and poisonous man –made chemicals. It it’s in a jar, a can or a box, it’s virtually processed by the food industry.

 Trudeau says that all publicly traded corporations have a legal responsibility to increase profits simply because it is the law!!! And for that matter, these corporations produce food at a lower cost. It’s always about the money.

 On Cholesterol

In his book for example and I quote, the author mentions people talking about “cholesterol, cholesterol, cholesterol”. It’s great business for drug companies since they’re selling you the need to lower your cholesterol. The author espouses the idea that cholesterol per se is not the cause of heart disease. According to him, there are people with 600 cholesterol counts that have absolutely no arteriosclerosis, no blockages, and no heart disease. And there are people and cholesterol counts of 100 who have massive blockages and are dropping dead, from heart attacks and require triple bypass surgeries. The author expounds further that the amount of cholesterol in your blood is not the problem. Problem occurs when the cholesterol attaches itself to the artery, thus clogging the artery and restricting the blood flow.

 The question, however, is not how much cholesterol you have, but what causes the cholesterol to attach itself to the artery?

 The cholesterol will only attach itself to the artery when the artery is damaged. If the artery is not damaged the cholesterol just goes through the blood without any problem whatsoever, and you will never have heart disease no matter what your cholesterol count is.

 So the question is what causes damage to the artery?

Primarily, there are three things that cause the artery to get scarred. And when the artery is scarred, that’s when the cholesterol begins the attaching process and that is how you get arteriosclerosis and heart disease.

 1.     Chlorinated water. Chlorine in the water that your drink and shower and bathe in or swim in, that chlorine causes massive scarring of the arteries, which in turn means, no matter how much cholesterol you have or don’t have, whatever cholesterol is there will attach itself and begin the clogging process.

2.     Hydrogenated oils or trans fats. As you look in virtually 90% of the food produced in boxes, if you were to actually read the label you’d see the words “hydrogenated oil” or “partially hydrogenated oil”. These are trans fats. Margarine, for example, is hydrogenated oil. These trans fats scar the arteries, causing heart disease and arteriosclerosis.

3.     Homogenized dairy products. People say, Well I drink low fat milk or low fat yogurt.” The fat has nothing to do with it. You are being scammed, you are being lied to, you are being misled. It’s not the fat that is the problem. Keep in mind that when they make a low fat product, it’s not a natural product; it’s man-made. What’s unnatural is the homogenization process. The homogenization process in either the milk or the cheese, when you consume a dairy product that has been homogenized, that will cause the arteries to get scarred. These are the three major causes of arteriosclerosis.

The bottom line is no matter what they are called, there are in fact more toxic chemicals in our water and food supply that ever before in history. These poisons are getting into our bodies primarily by:

  1. 1.     Drinking the water
  2. 2.     Eating or drinking anything made with water
  3. 3.     Eating any food that was grown with water
  4. 4.     Eating any meat, poultry, fish or dairy where the animal drank water
  5. 5.     Showering, bathing or swimming in water

Since our skin is the largest organ in the body, it has been reported that you absorb more toxins by taking one shower than by drinking five glasses of water. In a shower, not only is the water with all the toxins being absorbed through the skin, many of the most volatile and dangerous toxins are turned into a gas created by the steam. These toxic fumes in your shower are then inhaled. A shower is practically a gas chamber filled with poisonous gas chemicals. Steam rooms, hot tubs, and swimming pools are places where you will absorb the highest levels of toxins. The paradox is we think of these particular areas as being the healthiest.

 Nevertheless, Trudeau proposes several ways to increase vitality of the body and improve immune system in some of the following;

1.     See natural healthcare providers on a regular basis

2.     Stop taking non-prescription and prescription drugs

3.     Eat more fresh organic fruits and vegetables

4.     Buy a juice machine and use it

5.     Get natural sunlight

6.     Do a colon cleanse

7.     Do a liver and gall bladder cleanse

8.     Don’t drink tap water

9.     Eat an apple a day

10.  Do not drink canned or bottle juice

11.   Sweat

12.  Drink no diet sodas

13.   Eat raw organic nuts and seeds

14.   See a herbalist

15.   walk

16.   Do chi kung

17.   Do not eat artificial sweeteners

18.  Do not eat anything that comes out of a microwave oven

19.  Eat only organic food

20. Do not eat homogenized and pasteurized dairy products

21.  Do not eat hydrogenated oil

22.   If you can’t eat it, do not put it on your skin

23.   Do not eat anything in a box, can, jar or package

24.   Do not use a sun block

25.   Do not eat pork

26.  Do not eat white processed flour

27.   Do not use white processed sugar etc.

Above mentioned are just some of the ways that Trudeau proposes that we may improve our health and reduce dependence on artificial foods and drugs that circulate the market.

In the end, Trudeau says that it’s really all about the money. Food and Drug Companies have to increase their profits. And the only way to do it is to sell to you more and more of their “products”. Ever wonder why Americans are the fattest people on the planet?

Remember, it’s all about the money

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June 21, 2012 · 6:01 am